Bone strength
Cancer treatment can cause your bones to become brittle with reduced density and strength. At Aspire Health and Rehab we help maintain your bone integrity through specific weight training aimed at the larger muscle groups. This training is totally individualized and dependent your treatment time line.
Fighting fatigue
During the course of cancer treatment, patients can suffer debilitating fatigue and total lack of energy. Here at Aspire Health and Rehab, we aim to reverse these effects with slow, progressive stretching and exercise programs. Ensuring we continually monitor our patients and vary the programs accordingly, we can help battle the fatigue one session at a time.
Mental Health
Cancer and the treatment for cancer can take a big blow on patients mental health. Don’t let that be the case for you. Stay active, social, interested and motivated with our specific cancer based exercise classes. Join in the fun, meet like-minded people and share the experience.
Improve appetite
A common side effect with cancer treatment is the loss of ones’ appetite. Don’t let this happen as nutrition plays a vital role for a successful cancer outcome. Let exercise help! Exercise helps regulate your metabolism and stimulate your hunger. At Aspire health and Rehab we control and vary the exercise based on your treatment stage; allowing maximum health benefits with minimal side effects.